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Ghofran Alromaihy's Favorite Fava Beans Recipe

2 Mins Read | 04/03/2021

Learn Ghofran's Favorite Fava Beans Mubakahar Recipe


Ghofran says this is one of her favorite dishes to be served during Ramadan. “It is one of the most significant and delicious dishes in Ramadan and I love it as it is easy to prepare with a distinct flavor and it Brings back to me lovely memories.

½ Onion, Chopped
2 Garlic Cloves, Mashed
1 Tomato, Chopped into cubes
1 tsp tomato sauce
1 Goody Fava Beans Peeled Regular (with the liquid)
1 tsp Cumin
Black pepper
Olive oil
Lemon juice (to taste)
Water (as needed)
For the smokey flavor:
Goody Vegetable Shortening

How to prepare:
  1. Cubes and cook until softened. Add the tomato sauce and the fava beans. Season with cumin, salt and black pepper and bring to a simmer. Lower the heat and cook for 10 minutes. Mash the fava beans partially. Turn off the heat and add the lemon juice. 
  2. For smoking flavor, the fava beans, put a mini bowl made with foil over the pan and fill it with Vegetable shorting, add the ember and cover the pan for 5 minutes. then take out the embers and Enjoy the smokey flavors of the fava bean.