Mini Pizza

Mini Pizza

Goody Kitchen

Goody Kitchen

Mini Pizza Recipe is a perfect finger food for kids and adults as well.

Prep Time


Number of Servings








Step 1

Add a warm milk, yeast, and sugar. Mix it all together in a large cup or a bowl.Transfer them into another bowl that contain flour, salt, and vegetable oil. Mix them well together.

Step 2

While mixing and kneading the pizza dough using your hand, add ¼ cup of water/milk. If the texture of the pizza dough is still dry and hard, add another ¼ cup of milk/water and repeat the process. A ½ cup is more than enough to make the texture of the dough soft and fluffy.

Step 3

Cover the dough with a towel and keep it in room temperature for 1 to 2 hours maximum. The yeast will help grow the pizza dough. The picture below is only based on just 1 hour.
Topping of the Mini Pizza.

Step 4

Rub the tray with oil. This is important because after baking the pizza, it can easily be removed.

Step 5

Soak your finger with olive oil, and make a round tiny pizza using your hand. Brush the dough with olive oil, and then add tomato sauce. Next, you add sausage and olives. And then lastly, you add mozzarella and cheddar cheese.

Step 6

Transfer the tray into the oven and let it cooked for 10 minutes in 180 degrees Celsius. Make sure the oven is already hot enough before putting in the oven.

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